Friday, March 27, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Okay, so I've figured out how to blog more without having a lot to new and interesting things to write about... lol... That's right. Cheat.

I've been telling everyone that they should see Slumdog Millionaire because it is amazing! Here is a trailer and some award winning music...


  1. I've been waiting all month for this movie to come out on DVD. Next Tuesday I think. I'm really excited to see it.

  2. I have the movie! I haven't watched it yet but I'll let you know what I think.

  3. I loved it. It was way more violent than I had expected but it wasn't gratuitous. And you just can't escape that "so happy for you" feeling at the end.

    And normally, I'm not a fan of movies that flip back and forth between time lines but somehow the director really made it work for this story.

    I can see why this film did so well at the Oscars.

  4. I'm so glad you saw it and liked it! I'm hoping to see it in theatres before it's gone.
